Sunday, August 30, 2009

house of cards

"I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover [mr. purpose of life]"

- Radiohead

Its been a while since i've last updated. a few weeks of school, books, and running can really maniuplate and even distract the abstractions of our minds. they say that that we need to control ourselves from being distracted but we often find ourselves being led away by the very things that we are to supposebly to focus on.

so as a testiment against the misconceieved distractions of our society's system, i offer a pointless, mindless abstraction...or shall i say distraction...

if it isn't already obvious enough or already obviously observed, movies without music would be horrible. whether it be that conspicuous murder scene or that "boy finally gets the girl" clip, the music always plays an imperative role to the movie, buidling suspense, aiding in the "butterflies in stomach" effect, or even as the backtrack to the person you're slobbering over. but beyond the movie screen and make believe, we often find ourselves under the spotlight with the music rising. at the end of every movie there is that certain "exit music", usually being the movie's theme song or a more light hearted song to humor the audience. what about us? what will be our exit music when we pass on from this world? will we find ourselves laughing or shocked by discourse? again, i leave these questions open because once more i don't have the answers... our ears should be burning. denial, denial.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

i wish i could fly like peter pan

its strange when one finds themselves in a overwhelming sense of happiness for no specific reason whatsoever. not the type that invovles gratitude and thanks, not the type that invovles that special someone, but something along the lines of blissfulness, if thats a word. this blog again invovles radiohead, a band that recently has been like the ironic soundtrack to my dull life. while each song yields that aspect of mastery, my life has been quite the opposite. i.e. me sitting here at this computer, blogging about the most insignificant moments of my life. yet it is in these moments where one finds the true beauty of life. you don't need to have something going for you to be happy. i think that these silly moments by yourself are underated.

what would it be like to fly like peter pan? i ask myself this everytime bones by Radiohead gets to that line, which is by far the most intense part of the song. i asked my friend this and he had the troubling question, "wouldn't you never learn anything or gain knowledge if you were peter pan?" knowledge. its well important isnt it? i mean without knowledge or gaining new knowledge how would we ever learn from our mistakes? but in the magical world of peter pan, does knowledge matter? is it okay to be oblivious to your situation even if you are the happiest guy in the world? while ive been told to comfront problems head on, sometimes i just want to fly away like peter pan, but most times i can't.

while talking to robyn i discovered that homecoming this year is on the 3rd of august, and the football season doesn't start until the 22nd of september. as i recall, the 18th of september has no holiday or real importance to me, but this year, the 18th of september will surely be a turning point in my life. the chance to give others music is an amaizng privellege and that i am truly happy out of gratitude... lets go flying

Thursday, August 13, 2009

my iron lung

Listening to Radiohead all day can really mess with your head... and that I mean physically. something about the combination of three guitars, Thom Yorke's incognito piercing falsetto voice, and alien like effects gives you a bit of a headache. Earlier this morning, I headed over to the ol' school for Cross Country and I realized that I hate running. I realized that any sane person would think that running for long distances is just insane. Running is not discomfort, its pain. Yet despite the fact that Radiohead drives my mind crazy and despite the fact that running isn't exactly friendly to my shins, they both possess a certain quality that seems to be unique. While the actual process of running sucks, the reward is so great. That reward is simply the thought of accomplishment. But doesn't that beg the question, just because I've found a ridiculous way to make myself feel better, does that really mean I AM better? What is the purpose to do anything that only helps yourself, or helps others to achieve a goal that was just made to make THEM feel better?

I don't know where I'm going with this, but its time for dinner. I'm seeing the guys later tonight to work on our setlist for the show. Hopefully, it wont result in me slapping someone in the face :)

Keep it real


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


A few months ago, I discovered a new love. That love was blogging. Initially, I started to kind of blog on these notes under my Band's facebook group. But then I realized... I needed a real blog. I always heard of the fuss about blogging. Some of my favorite musicians write them so I said why not... Anyways, this is bit of lame blog, but its a start. I'll be writing updates about Incognition and everything, but this site will mainly be for my personal thoughts, elaborations, and blogs of randomness.....

now the hard part..... who can I get to read this?
