Thursday, September 18, 2014

The War On Drugs

People talk shit because it's easier for people to talk shit about other people, than to talk shit about themselves. My English diction has gotten worse but I think blogging will be a productive way for me to express the endless amount of fear, hate, doubt, pain, and mistrust that I have. 

I can't write much more as my eyes grow weary from attempting vigilantism. Here is the album of the day: 

Monday, September 15, 2014

I'm Back

I'm Back

Had a rough summer, too much to legally speak of. Anyways, I'm back bitches and I'm going hard in the motherfucking paint on ignorant people or motherfuckers who live their lives unaware of their surroundings. 

Do I still believe in love? Yes.

Am I still attending classes? Yes

Does it bother me that America is turning into a shit hole? Yes

Does it scare me that the next world war or the one we're currently involved in is cyberwarefare? Yes

Does it scare me that I'm becoming a conspiracy theorist? Yes

Does it scare me that STL game fucked up boy? Yes

Does it scare me the that game is the game and will always remain the game? Yes

Does it scare me to see my childhood friends make stupid decisions (like myself)? Yes

Do I realize that there is nothing I can do about the world? Maybe

Am I an "asshole"? No doubt. 

Not much to say these days but this video pretty much explains it...

Good night and good luck

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I don't know what is real anymore.