Thursday, March 18, 2010


this was inevitable. misguided direction and the other distractions of my world have dissipated. i find myself in yet what seems to be another epiphany or revelation of my teenage life. i'm lost in a quandary of nothingness, but what more importantly seems like the remnants of a once beautiful person. its strange and quite sad to look back in retrospect of the years that of past. when we were young, our lives seemed full of strange, but beautiful personalities. yet as time moves on its relentless course, our unique personalities begin to dull and fade out... the rational world begins to take reality as priority over our dreams and it slowly, but surely sucks the marrow of life right out of our stretched out spines...

its a horrible feeling.

there was a lot more i wrote about, but it doesn't seem rational to post. i think i'm going a bit mad.